UWIPOM2 comes to Spring Horizon 2020, many interesting, projects and innovation ideas in just a click.

The EU National Contact Point for research programs and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland made possible this virtual Spring with Horizon 2020 campaign, in which you may find really interesting innovation projects that will make a step fordward on science.

Given the prevention restraints imposed in the different countries of the European Union due to COVID-19 coronavirus, the presentations of the "Spring Horizon 2020" have been given virtually.

Marcin Michałowski from our team of the Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics, Faculty of Mechatronics of the Warsaw University of Technology has given a presentation about this project which you can see in the video below.

Link to video UWIPOM at Spring Horizon 2020

Marcin is one of the members of our WUT team. His team is the responsible of the development of the micro bearings for the articulation of UWIPOM´s joint.

This Spring Horizon 2020 campign was celebrated from the the days 25th, 26th, 30 and 31th of March and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th 7th, and 8th of April.  

You can also see more in the official website of Spring Horizon 2020:

Link to Spring Horizon 2020 webpage and conferences